
  • Effective leadership is about impactful communication and considerate people management. It is about building purposeful connections and sharing meaning. Only then, can we truly engage and move others to action. For managers (especially those first and second line managers on the front line) this means understanding communication as an act of leadership and an opportunity to create impact.

    One of the most challenging management skills to grasp is to focus on important details, while at the same time zooming out to consider the bigger picture. The same applies when it comes to communicating with impact and influence – no matter if interacting with more senior people, peers or direct reports.

    Managers that complete our Holistic Manager programme will:

    • create impact and interpersonal influence

    • improve communications and engagement

    • change behaviour and/or move people into action

    • build and maintain trust

    • connect and build rapport across hierarchies

    • shape organisational culture

  • Understanding others is the key to influencing and building trust - both critical components to success in your work and personal life. This workshop explores the dynamics of influencing people, starting with analysing stakeholders and determining the right way to engage with the right people. You will discover and practice how psychology, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills will help you to communicate with impact.

    We can include some or all of the following:

    The psychology of communications and taking on different perspectives

    Recognise and flex personal communications style to influence and motivate others

    How to apply emotional intelligence and active listening skills to build rapport

    Strategies for handling conflict more effectively and with more confidence

  • Change is one of the few guarantees in life and therefore also in business. Never has this been more true than now. While organisations face change to adjust to internal or external forces, people often resist the sense of uncertainty and fear loss of control. Communicating change effectively - including the reason behind it, the goals and the benefits - is critical to the success of any change initiative. This highly interactive workshop will equip business professional with new knowledge around the theories which underpin successful change management communications.

    This workshop covers the following:

    What change is and the psychology of how people react to change

    How to start and develop a change communications plan

    Identify the most relevant communications channels to engage with and get buy-in from stakeholders

    Measure and evaluate the change communications initiative

  • Writing remains the number one skill of the business professional. Understanding how to tell stories in an engaging way, that connects you emotionally with your audience, is fundamental to success in business. This workshop will provide you with some simple tools to ensure you keep your language simple, engaging, empathetic and succinct.

    This workshop covers: 

    How to write audience first communications that is engaging and plain English content, creating ‘hook’ content

    Who are you writing for and why?

    How to ensure empathy as you create content, answering: ‘What’s in it for me?’ every time

    Setting the right tone for your writing, with simplicity and brevity

  • We don’t have to look very far to realise how rapidly the world is changing. During the global Coronavirus pandemic, and the heightened sense of social and racial inequality brought into focus by the Black Lives Matter movement, the whole world has experienced an unprecedented change. Change to its social practices, its workplaces, its ideas about who heroes are and a changed perception of the power of empathetic leadership. Now more than ever, organisations need to foster cultures of inclusion and empathy - to stay relevant and connected.

    We deliver a workshop that can really help organizations embrace a more inclusive culture. We can adapt and tailor the design to meet your organization’s specific learning needs, covering some or all of:

    Why workplace inclusion is important

    How does bias limit innovation?

    Unconscious bias

    Understanding intersectionality

    Respectful language

    Building empathy


    Removing stereotypes in language

  • Engaging positively with the media is not easy. How do you stay on message? How do you avoid the many pitfalls and traps the media set in their questioning. How do you connect and engage with the audience. This workshop dispels many myths and misconceptions we have about the media and provides many useful tools and techniques that enable you to have a positive media experience.

    Our workshop covers:

    Media theory – what is news, what’s the plan, what’s the story?

    Creating empathy with journalists, editors and the audience

    Handling tough media questions and staying on message

    Successfully delivering the company's main messages and steering the dialogue in your favour

  • Long before Brexit or COVID, the debate about the purpose of business was re-emerging as an important and timely issue of the day. Today, as we deal with geo-political conflict, war, supply chain disruption, economic uncertainty and mounting cost and social pressures, corporate ‘Purpose’, and sustainability and ESG are never far from the business narrative.

    As with ‘green-washing’ before it, we’re now hearing claims of ‘purpose-washing’, and ‘ESG-washing’. The authenticity and credibility of corporate communications is increasingly in the spotlight and being called into question. And with that, the role of communications leaders too.

    Anchored in a grounded taxonomy of sustainability and responsible business, this highly interactive workshop will present ‘Corporate Purpose’, and the central role it needs to play in an organisations mission, strategy, activities and relationships with all stakeholders, as an essential tool in helping to reorientate business to navigate today’s challenges, and prepare for growth in the years ahead.

    This three part workshop will cover:

    • Resetting the Conversation

    • Review, Reflect and Reset

    • Putting Principles into Practice

  • A workshop for senior leaders to develop a business strategy that has goals, values and a people plan fit for operating in an AI enabled world, responsibly and with confidence. Leaders will gain clarity on what the next steps should be to ensure AI is embedded into their organisation i a responsible and secure way.

  • An interactive workshop that will enable delegates to understand the role that sustainability has in protecting and promoting business reputation. Delegates will feel empowered to have conversations about the risk and opportunities of communicating about sustainability, and ideas on how they can do more to proactively drive sustainability actions forward in their business.

Our programmes have an immediate impact for delegates back in the workplace, enabling them to instantly put into practice what they have learnt.

The workshops typically last one or two days, and incorporate a blended approach, with pre reading, assignments between sessions and importantly, a follow up session to help embed the learning and enable delegates to share what has changed for them.

Blended programme can be designed across a longer period of time, to help ensure the learnings are sustained.

All our programmes and workshops are immersive and interactive, incorporate role plays where delegates having the opportunity to practice all skills and techniques learnt, in individual as well as group exercises (usually against tailored scenarios developed with the client), and importantly include group discussion and feedback.

Since our inception, we have trained thousands of managers and communication professionals across a range of programmes, improving delegates communication skills, focusing on improved Emotional Intelligence (EQ), empathy, listening skills and confidence, ensuring delegates really know how to have impact and success back at work and generally in their lives.

Our flagship programme is our Holistic Manager programme (incorporating our patented Holistic Approach Methodology) along with our Art of Influence programme. All our core programmes are detailed below, however we offer training across a wide range of communication skills, specific to our clients requirements.  

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