
Client: Willmott Dixon

We work with main contractor Willmott Dixon’s corporate communication’s team to design and deliver an annual learning programme to help upskill its companywide communications team.

Over the last few years, this learning has included workshops on Purpose, ESG, Diversity and Inclusion and Digital communications, all with the focus on how the communications team can increase their understanding of these areas and use the learning in their day to day communication activities.

— Thank you so much! The team were very engaged [in the training] and all said how useful they found it!

— Chief Communications Officer

Client: Pearson

This project transformed how line managers prepared for and delivered the performance review conversations with their direct reports. We did this by designing a series of interactive webinars to help managers think differently about how to hold those conversations. The result - the relationship between manager and team was completely transformed to one of trust and support.

“The Academy has delivered a series of highly interactive & engaging virtual workshops to in excess of 5,000 managers, helping them to think about their leadership style and how they engage with their teams, especially around having effective performance management conversations. This has delivered some impressive results. Managers from 29 countries attended over 70 sessions, with over 90% saying it directly met their learning needs and would recommend to a peer”.

— VP & Director, HR

Client: Global FMCG

Ongoing media training and communication impact workshops for global leaderships teams, as well as the Corporate Communications teams. We also support subject matter experts & the R&D community to develop their media skills in support of the organisations more proactive media stance.

Sukhi has been the trusted media trainer for this client for in excess of 5 years. He is also frequently called upon to prepare executives on a 1:1 basis for upcoming media interviews, trade fairs and panel discussions, as well as being invited to moderate some external debates for the organisation.

“I would like to express my gratitude and admiration to the Academy team for the amazing training. It was a great pleasure to work with you. Thanks a lot for your work, level of professionalism and commitment. All our colleagues were amazed.”

— Corporate Affairs Manager

Client: Mitie

A bespoke business writing and storytelling workshop for the Group Internal Communications Team.

Thank you so much! The team absolutely loved [the training] and all said how useful they found it!

— Group Head of Internal Communications

AND a bespoke Change Communications programme.

Thank you for a wonderful change communications course. It’s been so beneficial for us as a team to step back from our day to day work and learn change communications theory and how we can apply it in our roles.

— Group Head of Internal Communications

Client: Exness

Media training and presentation training to executives across various geographies and regions to help prepare delegates primarily for trade shows and trade media interviews.

“Thank you Sukhi for all the amazing work you've done for us so far and I look forward to more in the years to come!”

— PR Lead

Client: International Committee of the Red Cross (via IoIC)

A blended Communicating with Impact programme to help the Internal Communications team build their influencing skills with their globally dispersed stakeholders. This consisted of a mix of pre reads, face to face workshop, assignments to be completed on the job and then a final virtual workshop to bring everything together.

“The training with Nicole was very useful for the team. It provided us with practical tools, but also allowed us to have valuable team discussions and guidance for improving interactions with our internal stakeholders. I highly recommend it” 

— Head of Internal Communication

Client: VW FS

A bespoke Impact workshop for the Internal Communications team.

“I just wanted to drop you a message to say a huge thank you for today. It really was an exceptional day that actually exceeded my expectations and aspirations. Not only was the content spot on for us, you were a hugely personable facilitator and provided us with an opportunity to openly and frankly share, discuss and bond as a group.

Thank you!”

General Manager – Communications & Engagement